
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “In the central Europe the time for observing the total lunar eclipse was very limited. At our location it started in the altitude of 3 degrees above horizon, just to set below the horizon in few minutes. Choosing the right location to get the maximum from it was crucial when surrounded by “non-zero horizon”. Photo was taken in the morning of May 16, 2022 and there are 9 single exposures shot with identical settings merged together, demonstrating the development of the lunar eclipse shortly before setting below horizon. Nearest bigger city in the region is Levoča (part of it on the left), but besides the eclipse itself, the most dominant in the frame is Kráľova hoľa Mt. – highest mountain of the eastern part of the Low Tatras in central Slovakia with the huge radio transmitter tower.”

Technical info: Canon 6Da + Canon 200mm @f/3.5, ISO 100, 1/30 sec, tripod + 9 panel panorama



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