
Winter stars from Sirius to the constellations Orion, Taurus (and Pleiades cluster), and Perseus, appear above the Virgin River and the Three Patriarchs, a set of three sandstone monoliths in Zion National Park. This single-exposure stitched panorama was taken on a crystal clear night of January. I did an old-school in-the-field photography technique to increase visibility of the foreground (by masking the sky during a part of the exposure). The foreground was further enhanced in post processing.

Preserving dark skies and the natural night-time environment in the US national parks began in 1980s and currently includes sky-friendly light regulations in many of the parks. The park service recognizes a naturally dark night sky as more than a scenic canvas; it is part of a complex ecosystem that supports both natural and cultural resources. Zion Canyon is only 3 hours drive from Las Vegas airport and is designated as an International Dark Sky Park.

Fine Art Print



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