
As seen on Astronomy Picture of the Day in a clear sky from a dark location at the right time, a faint band of light is visible across the sky. This band is the disk of our spiral galaxy. Since we are inside this disk, the band appears to encircle the Earth. The above picture of the Milky Way arch, however, goes where the unaided eye cannot. The image is actually a deep digital fusion of nine photos that create a panorama fully 360 across. Taken recently in Teide National Park in Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, the image includes the Teide volcano, visible near the image center, behind a volcanic landscape that includes many large rocks. Far behind these Earthly structures are many sky wonders that are visible to the unaided eye, such as the band of the Milky Way, the bright waxing Moon inside the arch, and the Pleiades open star cluster. The deep exposure also brings out many sky wonders normally beyond human perception, many of which are labeled on the annotated image version (move the slider on the image), including Barnard’s Loop, visible above as the half red ring below the Milky Way band.



comments (9)

  • David Reply

    This is real? How take a photo like that??? please i want to know is it real. I’am from Chile. Thanks

    May 22, 2011 at 10:30 pm
  • Dee Reply

    I found this site by accident, and found pure joy in your photography. What a breathtaking photo!

    June 8, 2011 at 10:59 am
  • nacho Reply

    muy hermosa

    June 9, 2011 at 10:30 pm
  • Penny Reply

    Oh My God, this so awesome! These photos make you feel like God Himself is allowing us a look outside Earth’s window. These photographers are exceptional to say the least. Bravo! Bravo! Thanks for sharing these wonderful images and your gifts/skills with us.

    June 10, 2011 at 9:08 pm
  • julia Reply

    Are these photos really taken from earth or from space NASA Space Ships… satelites..? If there is a place where photographer go to experience the infinite, You are really blessed, I envy you… Thanks for let us see through your eyes the Glory of God reflected in the Universe. Perhaps if everyone takes time to observe this pictures… will understand that we need to care for our planet. I will forward them when possible –

    July 10, 2011 at 11:18 pm
  • Cornelia Reply

    I see this from my house , just 10 kilometers away from this place, but a photograph like this and the others, how wonderful. Spirituel and peaceful.
    Please …when possible, contact

    February 5, 2012 at 3:46 am
  • Horacio Reply

    Don Carlos.

    Esta es una foto impresionante demas esta decir que como fotografo aficionado que soy lo envidio. Solo quiesiera saber que camara utilizo y la informacion tecnica de la foto.

    Un admirador
    Horacio Ayala
    Isabela – Puerto Rico

    March 13, 2012 at 7:53 am

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