The Lucky Eclipse
From the photographer: “This is a comparison of surrounding over and around the Jamyemonen Primary School of Pokwero, Uganda. I tried to preserve a natural colors and brightness as close as I saw it by my own eyes. C2 means second contact, the beginning of total solar eclipse. During totality the horizon just took very strong yellow color and around the Sun there was very easy to see a circular lunar shadow projected to high cirrus clouds. Also you can see, how lucky we were. And everything just got quiet. When the eclipse started, there were two part of diamond ring, which was unusual (for me first time). It is caused by angle diameter of the Moon in this case of hybrid eclipse. The magnitude of coverage from Pakwero, Uganda, was just 1,00259, which means the Sun photosphere could easily shine above two different locations of lunar limb in same time.”
© Petr Horálek
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