
From the photographer: “On November 13, a thin layer of cirrus clouds in the sky formed a lunar halo. I filmed the phenomenon in a country road (called “trazzera”) that runs alongside an old house typical of the Sicilian countryside (called “masseria”). The Moon was accompanied by Jupiter and Saturn. On November 13, the same phenomenon has also manifested itself around the Sun. I went back to the same place where yesterday I had photographed the lunar halo to also photograph the solar one.

Arrived on the spot and positioned the camera, a circumzenital arc appeared together with the halo, a hint of a supralateral arc and the solar dog also appeared.

The Sun was more to the west than the Moon and so the shot reveals another detail on the right of the road: stone drinking troughs (called “scifi”) and a reed bed.” Move the slider on the photo to see/hide labels.

Technical details:

Camera: Nikon D750, fish eye 8 mm,

For Moon Halo: 15 sec. ; f/3,5; ISO 400

For Sun Halo: 1/250 sec.; f/22; ISO 100

Days: 13-14 Novembre 2021




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