
From the photographer: “No, the starry sky over this region is not impressive. The city lights of the nearby Catalan metropolis of Tarragona absorb the light of the stars to the greatest extent possible and plunge the sky background into an orange-yellow veil. The Aqueduct de les Ferreres is also known as Pont del Diable, which means “Bridge of the Devil” in Catalan, and stands in a small pine forest. The structure is a Roman aqueduct dating back to the 1st century AD, which spans 217 meters in length and 27 meters in height across the trough of the Barranc de les Arcs from northwest to southeast direction and in Roman times channeled water from the Francoli River to the ancient Tarraco. It is one of the best preserved ancient aqueducts and is the largest in Catalonia and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.”

Technical details:
Bridge in a southerly direction, Canon EOS 6D with 14mm Walimex 2.8., Aperture 4, ISO 1600, exposure time 20×15 seconds; Illumination of the foreground with a hand lamp.

Secondary image: Building in a northerly direction Canon EOS 6D with 14mm Walimex 2.8. Aperture 4, ISO 1600, exposure time 25×15 seconds; Illumination of the foreground with a hand lamp.



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