Signs of Zodiac
From the photographer: “Photographic scenery during a clear moonlit night from the hill “Holíš” above Nimnica village in Slovakia. Below you can see the biggest Slovak river “Váh” with it’s meander between the the cities of Považská Bystrica and Púchov.
These days we can observe the planets Mars, Saturn and Jupiter which on 26.9. will be in opposition to the Sun and will be closest to the Earth. Bright Venus also rises in the morning along the ecliptic. The ecliptic is an imaginary line in the sky which all the objects of the solar system are traveling, whether they are the planets, the Moon or the Sun. There are 13 constellations of the zodiac on this path. Move the slider on the image to show/hide the constellations lines and labels.”
Technical details: Canon 6D+Sigma 35mm, f1.4@f2.8, ISO 1600, 10sec Panorama
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