
An Astronomy Picture of the Day NASA

A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “Combining data from the last Orionid‘s maxima (from 2015 until 2022), I have created this almost full sky view of the annual meteor shower caused by the material of Halley’s comet. In the foreground, the Slovakian volcanoes around Prešov city can be seen as taken in 2020. The sky was then taken last year during my Meteor Showes Collection project, while some of the meteors and the planet Mars were captured on the morning of October 21st, 2022. You can count 47 meteors in total (most of them captured during 2020, 2021, and this year’s maxima). Halley’s comet comes back in 2062, but it is not forgotten these days so far.”

Technical details: Canon 6D and Saymang 12mm, f2.8, ISO 10000, 30s exposures (meteors), and Canon 6D BCF modified, Sigma 35mm, f1.8, ISO 6400, 15s exposures stitched to panorama (from a tripod).



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