Moon and Planets Over the Buda Castle
The conjunction of the Moon, Jupiter, and Venus over Budapest. A sequence of photos made this multi-exposure image showing the moon and planets gliding to the western horizon as the evening proceeds. Photographed here is the Buda Castle, a prominent icon of Budapest World Heritage Site. The castle-palace complex of the Hungarian kings in Budapest, first completed in 1265.
comments (2)
April 6, 2012 at 1:42 amI has been a while since I last visited your web site. I can spend hours admiring the work of all the photographers. I wish I could do something like this. Thank you for sharing your work. It makes me happy to know that there is. TWAN and it is a window through which I can see the beauty of the our planet and the universe.
December 1, 2012 at 4:27 pm