
In a clear morning of Finland, the Moon, stars, and the Sun trail above a lake. In this multi-hour photographic exposure the rising crescent Moon is the bright trail on left and the Sun is the yellow trail on the right. In fact sun should be several million times brighter than the crescent Moon but the photographer used a solar filter to block most of the sunlight. As noted by the photographer “When the morning light appeared I blocked the lens with a solar filter while the camera was still exposing on a fixed tripod. It took quite a lot of precautions to avoid light leaking into the dark night shot!”



comments (4)

  • Robert kuklinski Reply

    May i use your photo in a display that is presented to patients in surgery?

    December 25, 2021 at 5:18 pm
    • Babak Tafreshi Reply

      Yes, and a better option is to use WindowSight App which has many of our images in high resolution.

      July 24, 2022 at 11:41 am

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