Lucky Perseid Portrait
This is just a part of a bigger project currently in progress, but somehow I like this simple shot which was taken with true luck. I wanted to include myself in the panorama of the whole sky, so I released the shutter with a 10 second delay, took my beer and sat down in the chair. During that 30 seconds exposure a Perseid meteor came right into frame. In this one simple picture one can also notice the Andromeda Galaxy above the meteor, constellation Perseus where the radiant of the shower is, the Double Cluster, and also faint reddish Heart and Soul Nebula next to it.
Technical info:
single shot using Canon 6D astro modified + Samyang 24mm f/2.2 ISO 3200, 30 sec, Lee soft 1 diffusion filter, shot on a tripod with star tracker set tu 0.5x of the sidereal speed
location: Mníšek nad Hnilcom, Slovakia
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