
From the photographer: “My favorite picture I have ever taken. On my trip to Peru in 2016, I spent a night on the island of Amantani, at 12,500 ft, surrounded by Lake Titicaca. My guide, Bruno, agreed to accompany me that night to explore for compositions with the Milkyway. I learned that the pre-Incan Amantani people worshipped the stars, and built a religious monument at the top of the mountain. I found this arch on google maps, and knew it could be lined up with the Milkyway. We made our way to the top of the mountain around 3am, with the moon rising behind us. I snapped several photographs of the arch aligned with Rho. In one of my shots Bruno stood by the ruins, but walked out halfway through, creating a ghostly effect.”

Technical details:
Sony A7RII, Rokinon 24mm F1.4, F2.8, ISO3200, 20 second exposure



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