Fireball in the Milky Way Core
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “Surprisingly bright fireball next to the core of Milky Way. Always be prepared and look up the night sky. It was one week before the peak of Perseids when the hour rates were pretty low yet. Even though, we can’t just skip a single clear night and it’s also an opportunity to make something else besides, testing the gear, doing deep sky astrophotography or stargazing with telescopes. Something around 21:06:30 UTC, enjoying magnificent view into the core of the Milky Way at the true dark sky, having conversation with beer in the hand and suddenly dazzled by a fireball at least -6 mag bright. Some of the cameras were pointed that direction and if not, people started running to aim their lenses there in order to catch the trail evolution. My camera was doing a timelapse with a wide angle lens, so no big luck needed there π I’ve just had to blend two successive identical single exposures, because in the shot with the meteor guys started running like crazy creating insane, however explainable “astronomer trails” with their red head torches.”
Technical details: Sony A7III + Sony GM 16-35mm f/2.8 @16mm, ISO 5000, 20 sec.
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