Crescent Moon and Aurora Borealis from Italy
From the photographer: “This evening, I was fortunate enough to be able to photograph the beautiful aurora borealis and a crescent Moon from the Casera Razzo, an alpine pass located at 1800 m in the village of Vigo di Cadore, located in the northern Italian Alps. coordinates: lat. 46°30’04” 32N long 12° 28’24” 24E
I had already witnessed a small northern lights last November 5 2023, but this one was absolutely more beautiful and exciting. The red and white bands could be seen perfectly with the naked eye, I could feel their movement and sudden change. I was so excited to witness this phenomenon, also because it was accompanied by the presence of the small crescent moon that later set behind the mountain. The peaks seen in the image are called Brentoni.”
Technical details:
Nikon D750, Sigma Art 50 mm, f/1,8, Single shot: exp 10 seconds, iso 2500, f/2,2
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