
A photo composite of  multiple exposures. From the photographer: “The arduous trail to that old smugglers cave demands quiet some attention and a certain amount of courage, but offers an unique site in reward, including impressive vistas along the fabulous coast and wide Atlantic Ocean.

Perfectly located to catch the conjunction of setting Venus & Saturn – sensationally placed right in the Zodiacal Light above the horizon. Murmuring echoes of fishermen families and lapping waves add the soundtrack to my precious capture of the band of sunlight, faintly reflected by interplanetary grains of dust. Stray cats take their toll, unwilling to accept the difference between a fishermen and a photographer. From time to time, the single exposures seem to adapt the rhythm of the incoming waves. Cygnus bows out briefly. Almost no wind. I brought two jackets but no food, eventually ending up sticky and with a great desire for food. By leaving the scene, I required some treatment but felt blissful and excited.”

Technical details: Panorama / Blend, Nikon D800a & Samyang 24mm f/1.4

Foreground: ISO 4000 – f/3.5 – 30sec, Sky: ISO 2500 – f/2.2 – 20sec



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