Comet Leonard: the Mexican Version
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “Despite my passion for night photography, I’ve rarely taken photos in my home state. This year, knowing about Comet Leonard, I invited my family to the darkest area I could find near my hometown (La Sierra Fria) and showed them the comet in the sky. Unfortunately, it was very hard to see with the naked eyes, so I showed them the comet through the camera, using my fastest lens (f/1.4).
Regardless of the astigmatism aberration (due to large aperture and short time exposure) on the stars at the edge of the photo, for my young nephews, it was the first time they ever saw a comet and I was happy to capture the moment for them to remember.“
Technical details: Stacking of 20 photos 2 sec @ f/1.4 and ISO 3200 with StarryLandscape Stacker and Photoshop, Lens: Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM.
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