
From the photographer: “This panorama of 7 vertical shots (Sony a7 / 14mm Rokinon 2.8 / Iso 8000 / 20150720 / 00:00 UT) documents a series of light pillars, at General Belgrano, Buenos Aires, Argentina. I was making star photos, however, clouds came in, there was an meteorological prediction of a partially clouded night, however I couldn’t missed the chance of doing some milky way images in the early winter night, so I went there, to the Salado River, I walk around 1 hour and a half to get to this position. I saw a Light pillar in direction to a town called Castelli about 50 km away, then a second light pillar appears in direction to a town called Guerrero. Air was moving from NW to SE. I was packing to get back, after a couple of images and a time lapse, but then I witness what I called an amazing atmosphere moment, since there was not only one, there was several light pillars, I never saw something like this before, I was impressed and it was a shocking moment.”



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