
From the photographer: “After the X-class Solar flare of 8th October and accompanying CME (Coronal Mass Ejections), I have been frequently checking Spaceweather if something interesting would happen. Apparently the CME was powerful enough.

At 2215 GMT+3, a friend and I got in my car and drove up to Uludağ NP. At 2300, we reached Bakacak peak at 1730 meters altitude, which has an open view of northern horizon. The sky was cloudy all day, but a clearing was coming from northwest. Around 2330, while the sky was clearing, some reds were already visible in the camera. As it cleared more, the lights became more evident. Actually, the reds were directly visible around 2345-0015 hours.

These looks at north find red aurora shining over Bursa, and even Istanbul 100 km away.”



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