Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer

Sergio Emilio Montúfar Codoñer
Multi-award-winning science communicator artist, stargazer since childhood. Recognized by FORBES as one the most creative minds in Central America. 2020 Dark Sky Defender by darksky association,He served as the Official Astrophotographer of La Plata Planetarium of the National Astronomical Observatory of La Plata, Argentina.Sergio serves as national astrotourism consultant in Guatemala for the National Institute of Tourism, INGUAT, and collaborates with the Ministry of Tourism and Protected Areas of Chubut Province in Argentina. As a dedicated light pollution activist, his goal is to understand cultural dynamics and best practices in his visited sites. He produces light-out science outreach events and has exhibited his space-art in more than 16 countries to bring together audiences such as artists, communicators, scientists, students, engineers, architects, political leaders, institutions, and business organizations as an educational and sustainable strategy to promote dark sky behaviors in society. He is also leading projects with cultural astronomers and indigenous communities in Latín América to value and preserve the Astronomical Heritage.