Marco Meniero

Marco Meniero
Marco Meniero, graduated in statistical and economic sciences. The profession of him is air traffic controller. He is passionate about astronomy, meteorology and photography since the early 90s. He is the author of the book "Lights and colors of the sky", about optical phenomena. He can count on numerous prominent awards: in 2005 the shot "The Green Flash" was selected among the top 10 best astronomical photos of the year by Astronomy Now. In 2007 he provided images for the drafting of the Astronomy Dictionary Ed. Gremese Larousse. In 2008 he was entrusted with the realization of the astronomical calendar on behalf of the magazine Nuovo Orione. In October 2009, for the international year of astronomy, he participated in the Galilean celebrations intervening at a conference at the Superior Normale of Pisa. He exhibited in 2010 at Saint Mary's College in Maryland, USA and in 2011. In December 2013 he held a photography seminar at the University Campus Division of Space Technology in Luleä University of Technology in Sweden; He also collaborated in the realization of the book "Kaleidoscope Sky" (Abrams Book). From 2004 to today he has organized fifteen national photographic exhibitions and events, including the Star Party of silence 2013 with the collaboration of the European Astrosky Network which saw the participation of Andrea Bocelli and the astronaut Paolo Nespoli. It was the winner of the Italian Astronomical Photography Award 2013, organized by ASI, INAF and ESA. In 2017, 2018 and 2022 he was a finalist at the Sipa Contest. He has collected numerous placements in world renowned competitions. In 2022, he participated in the Galilean celebrations intervening at a conference at the University of Pisa.