Luc Perrot

Luc Perrot
Born in France in Morbihan, Luc Perrot is a member of the large family of globe-trotters. With a plane ticket, a backpack and a camera he discovers the world according to his instinct and to his meetings! At the age of 21, with the first camera the new passion began and took him around the world. In 1992, he put down his backpack in Reunion Island for the first time (a French territory in the southern Indian Ocean near Africa). Luc felt in love with the island and stayed for 2 years. He returned in Réunion in 1999, this time for living. He feels to have the incredible luck to live on this intense island.Today, more than ever, he escapes to nature to pursue his passion in the hiking trail, on the look-out for a composition of forms or colors, movement or a light. Since 2010 Luc developed his passion of night photography. Perfect knowledge about the island and also good astronomical competency enables him to work with the various elements of nature and sky in the search for the perfect composition.His work has been awarded many times at international level and featured in prestigious publications (National Geographic, Paris Match, GEO, Stern, Chasseur d'Images, Wall Street Journal, ...). In June 2014 he also won the 1st prize of the 5th International Earth and Sky Photo Contest.