Gernot Meiser

Gernot Meiser
Gernot Meiser is a photographer and designer who became an enthusiastic amateur astronomer while growing up in Saarlouis in western Germany. It was there, in 1972 at age 12, that Gernot first observed a partial solar eclipse and caught "eclipse fever", a passion that became a driving force in his life. He now travels the world to intercept the Moon's shadow as often as possible, documenting eclipses and leading important expeditions to remote locations in Siberia, Colombia, Bolivia, Africa and more. When not chasing eclipses or working at his audiovisual company, Gernot is often found making night-time observations or sharing his passion for astronomy with others through lectures, conferences and workshops. He recently outfitted his 6-wheel Unimog expedition truck as a unique mobile observatory that provides new opportunities for popularizing astronomy by taking astronomy to the people. The mobile observatory also allows him to organize observing sessions for special astronomical events at any location. Gernot founded the "Cassiopeia Saarlouis e.V." astronomy association in 2002 and still serves as its president. Through Cassiopeia Saarlouis, Gernot also promotes cultural exchange and understanding among nations using astronomy by participating in and organizing international astronomical meetings and events, fully embracing the spirit of "One People, One Sky."