Photo Report: Chile Welcomes TWAN

2009 April 6: Chile, a country famous for spectacular dark skies, has more stars on display in the form of a traveling TWAN exhibition organized by the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and TWAN photographer in Chile, Stephane Guisard. The exhibition opened on April 4, 2009 in Antofagasta, a port city in northern Chile. The venue is the most popular shopping center of the city “Mall Plaza Antofagasta” located in Balmaceda 2355, Antofagasta. TWAN exhibition remains in this venue until the end of April. As noted by Guisard “ESO associated with the national Conicyt (Chilean equivalent of the National Science Foundation) in its Explora program. The Explora-Conicyt program will make this exhibition travel in the country within the year and will also make it visible to many schools. The exhibition should be seen by as many people as possible, this is why we will mostly show it in shopping malls and places with large public presence. For Antofagasta it is hoped that up to 20000 people see the exhibition during the month.”
All photos by Stephane Guisard.


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