
As seen on Astronomy Picture of the Day; in a starry night of Bryce Canyon National Park in Utah, United States, the spectacular view of our home galaxy, the Milky Way, appears over a trekking trail known as the Queen’s Garden. Bright star Antares at the heart of the celestial scorpion (Scorpius) is on the right and Altair, marking the neck of Aquila (the Eagle) is on the upper left. © Wally Pacholka



comments (2)

  • abolfazl akbari Reply

    hello Mr wally pacholka
    my name is abolfazl
    it is very beautiful photo
    I want to ask some questions from you.
    What date did you take this photo?
    What camera and lens you used?
    does the earth lighten by moonlight?

    June 1, 2013 at 4:49 am
  • Lisa Reply

    The photo is extremely wonderful! Thank you!

    July 2, 2013 at 3:22 pm

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