
A photo composite, captured from the exact location/spot. From the photographer: “During my last trip to Mount Helmos, I had the chance to have an overnight camp at Neraidorachi peak, at an altitude of 2430 m. A shepherd has his corral quite close to this place and the sheep use to graze and spend the whole day and night at the peak. After arriving at the location, I saw the flock of sheep grazing around, and I realized that we will share the same place for the night. I set my tent nearby, trying to avoid destructing them during the night.  Together with the flock of sheep, were also a company of sheepdogs; at the beginning they were aggressive and tried to protect the flock, but quickly become very friendly and they ended up sleeping the whole night near by my tent.

This location was quite familiar to me, with a lot of images captured the previous years, and for this reason I was searching for a different framing and subject. I decided to include into my frame the flock of sheep that were sleeping under the bright night sky, trying to present the connection between living beings and night sky.”



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