
From the photographer: “A strong G4 geomagnetic storm this weekend of May 10, 2024 resulted in this magnificent display of dancing colors in the night sky, even at lower latitudes. It was an amazing experience for me and my wife Sudakshina to observe and photograph Aurora Borealis from Massachusetts! The different colors are a result of excitation of different gases when solar particles are able to penetrate the Earth’s magnetosphere and reach the different levels of upper atmosphere, which generally occur near the polar regions. However, this time, it was so strong that auroras could be seen at lower latitudes and even with severe unwanted light-pollution (second picture in this post).

This image is shot from Halibut Point State Park in Rockport, MA on early May 12, that shows multiple distinct auroral beams. The image also captured some meteor showers, especially two of them can be seen shooting in opposite directions in one of the widest beam! It was a memorable experience!”

Technical details:
Canon 6D MK II, Lens: Rokinon 14mm f/2.8



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