Moonlit Star Trails
From the photographer: “This photo is taken from the rooftop of the Indian Antarctic Research Station, Bharati. In the foreground is one of the satellite antennas looking over the frozen Quilty Bay. It was a clear moonlit sky, the first one in 3 months since the winter had begun. With the sudden loss of cloud cover, the temperature had suddenly plummeted to below -30 degrees Celsius and the winds were peaking at around 30 knots. But this unanticipated appearance of clear sky was too much a temptation to hold me back from freezing my fingers off. The moon illuminated the foreground so vividly, while the Aurora Australis danced into the frame just at the right time.”
Technical Details: 401 photos taken over 20 minutes stacked, Camera: Canon Eos 6D Mark II, Lens: Samyang 14mm/f2.8, Each photo has the following exif data – Exposure 1.6 seconds, ISO 6400, 14mm, f/2.8 , Photos stacked in Adobe Photoshop CS6 and edited in Adobe Lightroom 6
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