
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “The full milky way arch  above the Favarix lighthouse. It was a wonderful night: I arrived before sunset to scout the location, when there were still people…after sunset and during the whole night I was completely alone without anybody around for km, just enjoy the sky, the sound of the see and the lunar landscape illuminated by the light coming from the lighthouse.

I had planned to take the shot using a 12 mm focal length, but I realized that the flare in the frames with the lighthouse in them, was not acceptable. So I switched to the 16 mm length, and was able to take nice shots. Despite the fair amount of light pollution coming from the city of Mahon, I think it turned a nice picture.”

Technical details:
Panorama of 2 x 10 frames, each frame being a stack of 5 exposures, each exposure taken at 16 mm, 15 s, f2.8, iso 3200



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