Galaxy Stream
Our home galaxy, the Milky Way hang over in the starry sky of Alamut in the central Alborz Mountains of Iran. Alamut means Eagle’s Nest. Home of the legendary Assassins, it was featured many stories and in the adventure movie Prince of Persia. The sky Highlights in this view include the three bright white stars Deneb (left), Vega (brightest at the middle top), and Altair (right) which forms the Summer Triangle. Note the dark obscuring dust clouds of the Milky Way also known as the Great Rift. The purple red cloud near the star Deneb is the North America Nebula (~ 2000 light years away) which spans 3 degrees in the sky or 6 times the apparent diameter of the Moon.
comments (4)
I wish when we laid on the ground, we could see such a starry host!
June 28, 2010 at 10:06 pmshegefti,tahsin va hameye ehsaseate ziba.
July 18, 2010 at 11:16 amThe Milky Way looks so stunning here!
July 20, 2010 at 6:28 amit is so fantastic and dreamy
July 26, 2010 at 12:38 pm