
From the photographer: “Lake Hertha is a dark, boggy lake formed by glacial meltwater; around 170 metres long, 140 metres wide and up to 11 metres deep in places. A steep slope borders the lake to the north, while swampy terrain pushes up to the lake on the east and west sides. To the east, there are still remains of Hertha Castle, which was built by the Ranen people in the early days of Rügen. The lake owes its name to this castle. Mysterious legends and horror stories have grown up around Lake Hertha, which cannot be attributed to this place alone, but have led to a high degree of fame through skilful marketing. Seven individual shots produced a startrail in which even a faint aurora borealis shines against the moonlight.”

Technical details:
ISO 500 | f/8 | 7 x 13.5 min | 11 mm full format



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