Perseid Meteor Shower
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “I’m currently on a offshore assignment in Denmark and I wasn’t sure I will be inland by this year’s Perseids peak night. To my good fortune, there was a delay in the project so I only had to find a dark spot to enjoy the meteor shower. Luck stroke again and I found a spot just 45min away near the town of Blåvand in the west cost of Denmark. To my surprise, even with light beam from the lighthouse, the location was dark enough to see the full Milky way with the naked eye. The photo is just a small example of the great night I had in this location, spotting more than 30 bright meteors in the 4hrs span I spent there.”
Technical details:
Lighthouse: Stacking 19 photos with Photoshop: 0.5sec at f/2.8, ISO 1600
Background: Stacking 20 photos with StarStax: 8.0sec at f/2.8, ISO 3200
Meteors: 7 photos blended with Photoshop: 8.0sec at f/2.8, ISO 3200
Lens: Canon EF 16-35mm f/2.8L II USM
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