
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “Today, on October 25th, 2022, a partial solar eclipse occurred over most of Europe and Asia. For this opportunity, I traveled a lot across Slovakia, looking for some clear skies over the beautiful mountainous landscapes. Eventually, I made it happen nearby Ždiar, from where the peaks of the Belian Tatras appeared just below the sun, giving me such a dramatic view while the eclipse progressed. The highest peak in the image is Havran (2152 m), left from center Ždiarska Vidľa (2142 m) and the lowest peak on left is Hlúpy Vrch (2 061 m). I was not able to finish the whole eclipse story in the image as the clouds covered the sky last 30 minutes of the eclipse, but still, such an amazing and wild solar eclipse gazing the Slovakian sky offered!”

Technical details: Canon 6D, Sigma 35mm, vary exposures and aperture, for eclipse used AstroSolar Baader Folia



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