
A photo composite of multiple exposures. From the photographer: “I often enjoy changing perspective and I think the spherical fish eye offers the possibility to be very creative. This shot was taken shortly after completing the Lavender Field Star Trail. I had taken the camera off the tripod and wondered what perspective a small insect or a small animal living in this wonderful field would see. I put the camera on the ground and took the shot. The result is fun. You can see the sky surrounded by lavender cushions. The Moon seems to appear between the spikes above while illuminating the sky with an intense blue. The light is not aggressive and allows a view of the Milky Way extending over the field. In the center of the image it is possible to observe the summer triangle bounded by the stars Vega, Deneb and Altair (move the slider on the image for labels).”

Technical details: Canon 6d, Canon 8-15mm, f/4, 30 sec, iso 1600, stack of 24 shots



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