
Hard to resist the attractive power of an erupting volcano. Each awakening of the Piton de la Fournaise provokes a real craze. Nothing stops visitors, cold weather, traffic jams, hours of walking, not even sleepless nights. In the heart of the night, car lights, hiker headlights and volcanic glow follow each other. Because at the end of the road, it’s the Grail!

Each excursion in the enclosure of Piton de la Fournaise in eruptive period is a real adventure. In the middle of the night, footsteps on lava rock have almost a metallic resonance. Sulfur dioxide fumes are becoming increasingly irritating to the throat as you get closer to the site. Each step is measured and reflected to avoid unpleasant surprises. Then after the simple distant lights succeeds the fabulous show.

For this film timelapse, I compiled different sequences made over the last four years on eight different eruptive episodes. For some passages, I preferred to use the video for aesthetic reasons that seemed obvious to me. As often, music has sometimes dictated my choices, but in the end, doing this kind of film is always a real pleasure.

After months of gestation, “The Holy Grail” is finally born. I have the pleasure of sharing it with you.



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