John Goldsmith

John Goldsmith
A fascination with the natural world, a love of photography and adventurous astronomical journeys captures the essence of John Goldsmith’s approach to astronomical photography.John Goldsmith (b 1971) is the producer of the “Celestial Visions” photographic exhibition and is a leading proponent of the Cosmology Gallery, Western Australia. Celestial Visions features beautiful images of the cosmos with famous places, world heritage sites and landscapes of great scenic beauty. Photographic highlights include Comet Hale-Bopp above the Pyramids of Giza and Stonehenge (1997), and photographing the comet one week before its discovery (1995). As noted by John "The night sky provides a shared and common experience available for everyone. This common experience provides links between cultures throughout the world, both past, present and future."The Celestial Visions exhibition explores some of the deeper themes of astronomy, including our place in the universe, and the profound influences astronomical knowledge has on human culture. These key themes crystallised in 2006, when John chaired the Cosmology Gallery Development Group, Gravity Discovery Centre. The new Cosmology Gallery brings art and science together exploring our place in the universe, from Christian, Buddhist, Islamic, Hindu and Australian Indigenous cultural and scientific perspectives.John’s photographic style is inspired by the renowned Japanese photographer Akira Fujii (a TWAN Contributing photographer), relating astronomical events to our planet, the Earth. John holds two Environmental Science degrees (Bachelor and Masters). His photography features in Sky and Space, Australian Geographic, Landscope, The Bulletin, Tenmon Guide (Japan), and the BBC (Patrick Moore’s The Sky at Night).