Miguel Claro

Miguel Claro
Miguel Claro is a Portuguese professional photographer, author and a science communicator in astronomy field. He is also the official astrophotographer of the 'Dark Sky Alqueva Reserve' the first “Starlight Tourism Destination” in the World and member of the photo workshop team 'Fotonature'. He regularly contributes to the National Geographic Portuguese magazine, Ciel et Espace in France, and the Astronomy magazine in the US. Claro is also the chair of judging panel of Photo Nightscape Award (PNA) held annually in Paris. He has been a lecturer in two editions of TEDx in Portugal and he is the author of the astronomy and photography Portuguese book "Astrofotografia - Imagens à luz das estrelas” and the photo art book “Dark Sky Alqueva - O Destino das Estrelas / A Star Destination” published by Centro Atlântico. His images have traveled the world and been published in many different media, Press and TV stations, and appeared in prestigious international magazines.